Digital Value Creation
The Digital Value Creation channel focuses on how AI and other tech makes an impact to create massive value.
Episodes are short and sweet, as we explore questions like this:
What are the emerging digital and AI trends? How do they impact business growth?
How can digital and AI transformation produce more value?
What is AI hype, and what is real?
How can you become a better AI leader?
How will all of this advance your opportunities?
How will we all benefit as a result?
Hosts - Tamas Hevizi and Arpad Hevizi
Digital Value Creation
Davos 2024 - First Impressions about the AI discussions
These are my first impressions from Davos 2024 around AI
1 - AI and GenAI is everywhere from LLMs to oil/gas to supply chains
2 - countries and companies taking risks will outperform those that are cautious
3 - Companies struggle to go beyond experimentation due to lack of prebuilt use cases and industry solutions by providers
4 - Trust is main concern. Who do you trust to hold your data? LLM providers? Hyperscalers?
5 - GenAI gets beyond content generation to autonomous process creation and management
6 - Who will benefit from GenAI the most? Companies? Chip makers? Hyperscalers? Is there real value creation or just a rent to the hyperscalers?